Is my commute covered under worker’s compensation?

On Behalf of | Mar 5, 2020 | Workers' Compensation

Commuting to and from work is a natural part of our day-to-day, but that doesn’t always mean it is a part of our work hours. If you’re in an accident on the way home, worker’s compensation will likely not cover your injuries or damages.

However, there are some instances where commuting falls under working hours – and in those cases, you may have grounds to seek legal action.

The following are some examples of when worker’s compensation may be applicable under Wisconsin law:

  • You are traveling between job sites. If you work for an auto glass company and you make a home visit to repair a client’s car, the time you spend driving to and from that job would count as part of your working hours. Likewise, if you drive from one client’s home to another’s within the same shift, that time would also count. Any accidents during that time that results in an injury may be eligible for worker’s comp.
  • You travel as part of your job requirement. Many types of occupations require consistent traveling schedules such as truck drivers, bus drivers, and various sales positions. If you are regularly on the road for work-related duties and have an accident, you should have employer coverage for compensation.
  • You are running an errand during working hours. If your boss asks you to pick up lunch or a package from the post office, you are carrying out a specific task, regardless of if it relates directly to your work.
  • You are on a business trip. Even if traveling is not part of your usual job description, there may be a time you will have to travel to another city or state for a conference or meeting. The entire time you are on your business trip – the commute to and from, plus the time you spend in that location – should be eligible for coverage by your employer.

If you sustain an injury while commuting for any job-related reason, you may want to seek legal action to ensure you have grounds to file for worker’s compensation. Your employer has a responsibility to cover protect you in a work-related injury by supplying coverage for medical costs, damages to a vehicle, and lost wages and more.

You might consider consulting with an experienced attorney who can help you understand your case and help you receive the compensation you deserve.



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