Helping The Surviving Family Members In Death Claims
The untimely death of a loved one is a devastating event. The feelings of loss, grief and emotional pain can be all-consuming. In these times, it is difficult to think of anything else. While you are mourning your loss and putting your own life back together, there are a number of issues that you have to consider. If a workplace accident, occupational disease or another type of work-related event was the cause of your loved one’s death, you have the right to recover workers’ compensation death benefits. A workers’ compensation lawyer can be instrumental in helping your family through the legal process.
Families across Wisconsin have relied on Domer Law for its knowledgeable, compassionate legal counsel. With locations in Milwaukee and Waukesha, we represent injured employees and surviving family members in workers’ compensation claims.
Types Of Benefits And Those Who Are Entitled To Them
Under Wisconsin law, spouses and dependent children are entitled to a death benefit. In certain cases, parents may be eligible for death benefits as well. The maximum death benefit for spouses is four times the average annual salary of the deceased. This benefit is paid monthly and is subject to a statutory cap. Burial expenses are another potential benefit. The burial expense benefit is currently capped at $10,000.
Contact Our Team For Help With A Wrongful Death Claim
Call us to discuss your loss at 414-279-2647