Sciatica injuries in the workplace: A primer

On Behalf of | May 15, 2020 | Workers' Compensation

Sciatica injuries can be debilitating. The shock of pain radiating down the path of the sciatic nerve can make it difficult to walk across the room, let alone complete one’s workday. This pain likely begins along the lower back and moves through the hips and down the back of the thigh and calves, often down one leg.

What happens when a worker experiences this injury? In many cases, a workers’ comp claim exists.

More on sciatica injuries

The injury is most commonly caused by a herniated disc or other disc problem that results in nerve root compression. This can result in leg numbness and weakness as well as bowel and bladder issues.

Although mild cases might resolve over time, more severe cases require medical intervention. The medical professionals with Mayo Clinic note these more severe cases often include symptoms of sudden severe pain and muscle weakness or problems controlling the bladder or bowels. These professionals also note medical intervention is wise if the symptoms begin after a traumatic injury. Treatment can involve physical therapy, injections, or surgical intervention (involving spine discectomy, laminectomy, fusion procedures).

Research shows some workers are at an increased risk of these injuries

Workplace accidents that lead to back injuries may result in a severe sciatica injury. A study published by the National Institutes of Health notes those who work in a profession that requires strenuous physical activity, such as heavy lifting, or driving for long periods of time are at a heightened risk of sciatica injury.

Workers’ comp may be available

If you suffer a sciatica injury while on-the-job, you are likely eligible for workers’ comp benefits. These benefits should result in funds to help cover expenses while you recover from the injury. An attorney experienced in back and neck job injuries like sciatica injuries can review your case and discuss options to help better ensure a successful workers’ comp claim.



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