As Construction Jobs Increase, So Do Work Deaths

On Behalf of | May 15, 2017 | Firm News

More work-related falls and fatalities have gone hand-in-hand with the rebounding construction jobs in the economy. The data in a recent journal showed a positive correlation with fall injuries and population density and construction activity. The full article, from a data report by the Center for Construction Research and Training.

While the article indicates the amount of construction industry jobs still have not reached pre-recession levels, the industry as a whole is rebounding. With that increase in construction activity is a coinciding increase in falls-and even deaths. As the article points out, “fall deaths in construction are more prevalent than in other major industries.”

Interestingly, according to the data, roofers, older workers, Hispanic workers, foreign-born workers, and self-employed workers had a higher risk of fatal falls than the average among all construction workers.

Further safety efforts (and reinforcement) are necessary in the construction industry. The base level nature of the job, however, means that some work injuries will occur. Workers’ compensation law helps protect those workers are their families.



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