Firm News

Sam Liverseed: Partner at Domer Law!

Firm News! Domer Law is pleased to name Attorney Sam R. Liverseed as partner in the worker’s compensation law firm.  Sam has a passion for representing injured workers, spending his career practicing Wisconsin workers’ compensation law.  He works closely working with...

The Plight Of Delivery Drivers

Once the exclusive purview of the United States Postal Service, private delivery companies have taken over the streets of cities and states throughout the nation. Companies such as Amazon, FedEx, UPS, and other providers have grown in prominence with promises of quick...

Lay Offs Can Equal Work Comp Benefits

Laid off with permanent limitations? It feels like not a week goes by when the news announces another round of lay offs at a Wisconsin employer. A recent article stated: Briggs & Stratton to layoff roughly 160 workers. Many of these workers might be eligible for...

Safety tips for warehouse workers

The news of the high injury rates in Amazon’s warehouses in these last few months have been quite alarming. Employees report that the company prioritizes speed and output over the safety of its employees. Thankfully, this is not a reality in all Wisconsin warehouses....

Employees vs. Independent Contractors

New legislation proposed in California puts employers on notice that they may have to treat workers as employees rather than independent contractors. What this means in practical terms is that employers would have to offer employees benefits such as workers'...

Who is at risk for a repetitive stress injury?

Working takes up a lot of our time Besides the time we spend sleeping, working is the most time-consuming activity in the average person's life. In an 80-year lifespan, most people will spend about 13 full years working. Given the overwhelming amount of time we spend...

Tom Domer: Ethics Presentation

  I recently returned from making a presentation on Ethics in Workers' Compensation at the Workers' Injury Law and Advocacy Group (WILG) National Conference in Santa Barbara, California.  Over 200 attorneys attended, representing injured workers in all 50...