A Wisconsin investigative article just hit the news, showing the major issues faced with litigating work injury claims in the state. (Injured Wisconsin Workers Face Higher Hurdles When Seeking Compensation). The story highlights the unfortunate litigation process of one of Domer Law’s clients. I’d urge readers to review the article for the full details of that process.
Significantly, the story goes further in-depth into the appeals process of a Wisconsin litigated case. Following a hearing in front of an administrative law judge, the losing party may appeal to the Labor and Industry Review Commission, or “LIRC.” This body consists of three political appointees, who essentially are the final decision-makers on worker’s compensation claims. The article highlights the alleged employer-friendly drift to decisions in recent years.
These articles are so important in revealing the human toll exerted by work injuries. While there are no pain and suffering damages under worker’s compensation law, that fact does not diminish the real physical, economic, and emotional toll felt by the injured worker and their family. That real-world impact pushes us to keep fighting for the rights of workers each and every day.