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Firm News

Implant May Help Opioid Addicted Injured Workers

The Food and Drug Administration has approved an implant that may help those addicted to opioids. The new medication called Probuphine is inserted in four rods in the addicted. Experts indicate that the implants, which administer a constant low-level dose of...

Comparing Outcomes for Injured Workers in Wisconsin

The Workers' Compensation Research Institute (WCRI) has studied interstate comparisons of key outcomes achieved by injured workers in Wisconsin and fourteen other states, part of a multi-year effort by WCRI to collect and examine data on the outcomes of medical care...

Seven Seconds!

According to a recent article by CBS news, on average a worker is hurt in our country every seven seconds! The article, based primarily on a report from a major worker's compensation insurance company (Travelers), reveals that injuries happen in all professions and to...

Tips on Your Workers’ Compensation Claim

I just returned from New Orleans where I made a presentation to about 150 workers' compensation lawyers (both for workers and for employers) on "Case and Client Evaluation In Workers' Compensation". Since many in the audience represented insurance companies and...

Attack on Workers’ Rights Around the Country

As this article correctly notes, "Beware the wolf in sheep's clothing"! Our work comp colleague in Pennsylvania are facing further attacks on their workers' compensation system. The article astutely points out: "Across the country, in state houses largely influenced...

Podcast: National Implications on Opt Out

Great listen via the Legal Talk Network: National Implications of Opt Out in Workers' Compensation. The "opt out" movement took hold in Oklahoma and is being pushed in many states around the country. Wisconsin has historically been an incredibly stable and top-notch...